Over the past few years, we've seen various designs of the PSP. From different colors to brighter screens, it seems like each PSP was more functional than the last. Although the Vita has taken off already, it seems that Sony still refuses to drop the PSP hardware and, this time, has come up with an interesting budget model.
The Ice White PSP set at $99. |
The "Ice White" PlayStation Portable will actually lack features that its previous models boasted. This PSP, along with the PSP E-1000 -- a European exclusive, has no video out, only a single mono speaker, and no WiFi capabilities.
Though the console is only $99, it seems like its lack of WiFi is a poor choice. Many of the PSP's features and games make use of WiFi, not to mention the PlayStation Store (which seems especially odd with Sony's push for digital content).
It seems like this budget PSP is being geared towards people who don't want to drop the extra cash for a Vita but, in all seriousness, this PSP lacks too many features to entertain the interests of a potential Vita buyer.
It seems to me, like one would be better off purchasing a second hand PSP 3000 that would have more features and cost around the same price.